Derived from
21801028 POLITICAL SCIENCE in Political science L-36 GERMANO LUCA GIUSEPPE
The aim of the course is to introduce the main concepts, approaches, methods and the central problems regarding the scientific analysis of political phenomena in order to provide students with basic knowledge for analyzing and understanding the functioning of contemporary political systems.
The course will present and discuss in comparative perspective all main themes of the discipline, specifically will be analyzed the following topics: state, democracy, non-democratic regimes and regime changes, political parties, interest groups, electoral systems, parliaments, governments, bureaucracy and public policies.
(reference books)
1) P. Grilli di Cortona, O. Lanza, B. Pisciotta, L. Germano, Capire la politica. Una prospettiva comparata, Utet, Novara, 2020 (III edizione);
2) P. Grilli di Cortona, Lezioni di scienza politica, a cura di R. Chiarini e B. Pisciotta, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2016.
Students with 9CFU program should prepare both texts in full. Students with 6CFU program should prepare the first seven chapters of the first text and the second text in full.