This course focuses on the contemporary history of international relations in East Asia. Particular attention will be devoted to the positions occupied by Japan and China during the Cold War years, as well as to their interactions both with the other regional actors, the two Superpowers and Europe. The analysis of the factors generated by the bipolar order will facilitate the identification of continuity and discontinuity lines in the broader context of globalization.
(reference books)
The syllabus for attending students is the following:
1) Best, Hanhimaki, Maiolo, Schulze, Storia delle relazioni internazionali. Il mondo nel XX secolo e oltre, UTET 2014 (chapters: 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 e 15). 2) O. Frattolillo, Il Giappone tra Est e Ovest, FrancoAngeli 2014. 3) F. Mazzei, V. Volpi, Asia al centro, EGEA 2014 - second edition (Chapters: 2, 3, 4, 10, 12).
The syllabus for non-attending students is the following:
1) Best, Hanhimaki, Maiolo, Schulze, Storia delle relazioni internazionali. Il mondo nel XX secolo e oltre, UTET 2014 (chapters: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 e 15). 2) O. Frattolillo, Il Giappone tra Est e Ovest, FrancoAngeli 2014. 3) F. Mazzei, V. Volpi, Asia al centro, EGEA 2014, second edition (the full book). 4) One of the following books (free choice): - Frattolillo, Diplomacy in Japan-EU Relations, Routledge 2013; - Frattolillo, Interwar Japan beyond the West, Cambridge SP 2012; - Frattolillo, L’etica dell’interessere, Mimesis 2013.