Derived from
22901948-1 SOCIOLOGIA (L39/L40) in Social Work and Sociology L-40 N0 DIOTALLEVI LUCA
title and topic of the course: Introduction to sociology
The course will present problems and concepts common to the main sociological theories, with reference to both classical and contemporary authors. The first objective of the course is to show the experiential and available traces of a class of objects with their own characteristics and referable to a distinguishable domain: the social. The second objective is to show some of the results of the use of sociological theories and concepts in the study of contemporary social reality and in particular of society.
(reference books)
Exam texts
The exam interview will focus on the texts that the student will choose, one text for each of the following three groups. (The only text indicated in point 2 is therefore in fact mandatory.) 1. Ambrosini M., Sciolla L., Sociology. Second edition, Mondadori, Milan 2019 or, alternatively, Delli Poggi S., Delli Poggi B., Compendio di sociologia. Per le professioni e le attività sociali, Autori Associati, Roma 2023.. 2. Weber M., Economics and Society (Part One: Theory of sociological categories: I - Fundamental sociological concepts; II - Fundamental sociological categories of economic action; III - The types of power; IV - Classes and classes). In any edition. 3. Diotallevi L., The imperfect order. Modernity, State, secularization, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2014 or, alternatively, Diotallevi L., End race. The crisis of Christianity as a confessional religion, Dehoniane, Bologna 2017.
Non-attending students, together with what has already been indicated, are also warmly invited o study: - both texts indicated in point 1 - and - in addition to the one chosen from the two proposed in point 3 - one between: o Addario N. edited by, Theory of systems and modernity, Carocci 2003 (or later), o Addario N., Cevolini A., Sociology of modernity. Forms and consequences of social complexity, Tools, Milan 2012, o Addario N., Fasano L., The logic of society. A study on the problem of social order, Egea, Milan 2012.
Each of the texts indicated can be replaced with another book or with two essays indicated by the student. Any substitutions must be approved by the teacher via e-mail and the printout of the answer provided by the same teacher must be presented at the time of the exam.