The Laboratory's training objectives are as follows: the deepening of motivation for social work, the initiation of professional identity formation, the aims and purposes of professional training, an initial knowledge of the main territorial Social Services in close connection with the teaching of Principles and Fundamentals of Social Service.
The Workshop is structured in teaching units supplemented by laboratory-type activities to foster the circular theory-practice-theory connection, relating to first experiments observing social work practice.
(reference books)
- Campanini A. (2020), Gli Ambiti Di Intervento Nel Servizio Sociale, Carocci, Roma In alternativa: - Rossi P. (2020), L’organizzazione dei servizi socioassistenziali. Istituzioni, professionisti e assetti di regolazione, Carocci editore, Roma. Indicazioni più precise verranno date nel corso delle lezioni.