The first part of the course examines the history of globalization. Starting from the historiographical debate on the very existence of a “early globalization”, it traces evolution and development of globalizing processes from the early modern period to the beginning of the 21st century. In doing so special attention will be devoted to three “turning points”: around 1500, around 1850 and around 1970. The second part of the course focuses on key topics that will be analysed throughout the centuries: Migration and the “Mobility divide”; forced labour; globalization and inequalities; imperialism; consumption and trade; opposition and resistance to globalization. During the seminars, departing from a case study, students will be encouraged to critically engage with secondary literature, to formulate specific questions and address present-day issues with a critical and historical approach.
(reference books)
Parts of:
Jürgen Osterhammel, Niels P Petersson, Dona Geyer, Globalization: A Short History, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021; Peter N. Stearns, Globalization in World History, London: Routledge, 2020.
A reading list will be provided in week one.