The course will aim to introduce students to the main theoretical approaches and historiographical debates in the discipline of International History between the 19th and 21st centuries with a specific focus on the nature and evolution of the international system from the Concert of Europe to the origins, evolution, and crisis of the 'World Concert' and the return of multipolarity and great power competition. To this aim the course will be divided into four main teaching units *introduciton to the main analytical and historiographical appaoches in International History *1814/5 – 1945: the international system from the Concert of Europe and the balance of power to the notion of collective security and the League of Nations *1945 – 1989: the international system from the attepts to establish a collective security system through the creation of the UN until its paralysis and the formation of a 'World Concert' based on the logic of the bipolar 'balance of terror' until the crisis of the Soviet bloc *1989-2024: the efforts to create a new liberal international order and their failures until the return of great power competition
(reference books)
Students can choose one textbook from the following list:
Anthony Best, Jussi M. Hanhimaki, Joseph A. Maiolo, Kirsten E. Schulze (eds), Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali (Torino: UTET, 2014)
Alfredo Breccia, Storia e diplomazia. Le costanti della politica internazionale: sicurezza ed equilibrio (Nuova Cultura 2021)
J.W. Young and J. Kent, International Relations Since 1945: A Global History (OUP 2015, seconda edizione)
Luciano Monzali, Federico Imperato, Rosario Milano, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Storia delle relazioni internazionali (1919-2021). Tra Stati nazionali, potenze continentali e organizzazioni sovranazionali (Mondadori, 2022)
Students are adviced to use a Historical Atlas alongside theier chosen textbook.