Word design and advertising - LM -
The course aims to define the Adv Language as a powerful tool of verbal-iconic design. A series of teaching/learning activities complete the presentation of the cognitive models and the explication of the grammar that, marking slogans, headlines, jingles, captions and trademarks, change the objects we live by. In this perspective the creative and innovative Adv Language is described as a perceptive transformer code, that has to understood through the different phases of project, realization, and representation. In this process the activities of naming regarding the products and the promotional messages are a fundamental strategy of conceptual construction. With the course, the students also acquire the specific skill for transcribing them in a repository and analyzing complex icono-texts as the tv commercial and that of using their a-grammatical rules and their non-senses in a coherent and creative way. The course is divided in three parts: 1.From the spatial design to the word design; 2.The grammar of the Adv Language between rules and semantic mappings; 3. The adv language around the bod mail-order catalogues and the trademarks of Cosmetics, Fashion, Food and Sport. Workshops, experiments and surveys improve the theorical study with aapplied training.
(reference books)
Catricalà M. Pubblicità fa rima con identità, Rubbettino 2023
Baldini M., Fantaparole, Armando 2003
Lectures notes/dispense e selected passages/brani scelti: Dizionario della Pubblicità, La comunicazione pubblicitaria, Cognitive grammar, One thousand and one way of reading a brand.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam