Derived from
20706081 MEDIA SOCIOLOGY in DAMS - Studies in Performing Arts L-3 A - L NOVELLI EDOARDO
The first part of the course is dedicated to illustrating the main theories of mass communication developed in the sociological field and by communication scholars during the twentieth century in parallel with the development of the modern communication society and the introduction and development of the leading mass media: cinema, radio, television, internet.
The second part of the course focuses on the diffusion and the theories and paradigms of analysis of digital media, with particular attention to social networks, participatory platforms and also to the new frontier of Artificial Intelligence, in order to provide the skills for an understanding of their logic, methods of operation, social effects, in the field of consumption, cultural production, democratic participation.
(reference books)
Bentivegna, S. e Boccia Artieri, G. (2019), Le teorie delle comunicazioni di massa e la sfida digitale, Bari-Roma, Laterza.
van Dijk, J., Poell T., de Waal M., (2019), Platform Society, Milano Guerini scientifica. Capitoli 1, 2 pp.35--102
Poell, T., Nieborg, D.B., Duffy, B.E. (2022), Piattaforme digitali e produzione culturale, trad. it. Roma, minimum fax. Capitoli 5, 6, 7 PP.221-356
Roncaglia G., (2023), L'architetto e l'oracolo, Bari-Roma, Laterza, pp.69-110