With reference to the Dublin Descriptors for the second cycle, through the learning process (readings, discussions, case study work and action research) students will be able to:
§ know the historical evolution of the relevance of the concept of sustainability in a global perspective, and understand the possible different declinations in the different contexts of application;
§ conceive of cultural awareness as closely interrelated with self-awareness, organizational awareness and environmental awareness;
§ understand the role of different dimensions of cultural awareness to design sustainable solutions for communication, valorisation, policy and governance issues;
§ understand the strategic role of the phygital dimension for the cultural development of an organization;
§ design organizational guidelines for a sustainable digital presence, taking into account the objectives of an organization, the involvement of the community, the enhancement of specific cultural themes and the importance of storytelling for the involvement of different audiences;
§ explore different governance models involving communities and their knowledge of places and their memories within a metropolitan dimension, understood as a specific cultural landscape;
§ discover and manage different sources of information (oral, visual and written) to enrich the cultural physiognomy of a cultural artifact and improve the opportunities to make it accessible to different audiences (residents and tourists);
§ combine knowledge from different disciplinary fields (in particular; architecture, human sciences, communication, management) to build a more complete understanding of a given cultural environment;
§ strengthen their ability to design different types of results for their individual and group work (papers and portfolios);
§ strengthen their ability to master and combine different languages (text, image, video, sound, but also technical information and narration) in a communication product;
§ strengthen one's ability to evaluate individual and group learning processes.