Derived from
Title: Fascism, Resistance and Liberation. From the post-war novel to contemporary narration
The course offers the reading of some texts that from the post-war period to today have described the resistance and the liberation process. The models of the resistance novel by Calvino, Fenoglio, Meneghello, Viganò, Morante, will be compared with some narratives of the new Millennium which, in a different way, offer today's readers a reconstruction of the past, and perhaps modify its image by problematizing it. The memory transmitted by literary narratives is filtered by the gaze, depending on the case, of a narrator-witness or "descendant", it adopts different models, it tells us about the past but also about the present of the writer. Therefore the course intends to provide the critical tools to read the transformations of narrative forms, their different relationship with historiography, memory, autobiography and the fictional dimension.
(reference books)
Bibliography: the bibliography indicated constitutes a broad proposal of readings from which attending students, in agreement with the teacher, will have to choose at least one novel for each group (between those of the 20th and 21st centuries). The course includes "exercises", including group exercises, in which each student will report on one of the chosen texts.
XX secolo
Italo Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno Beppe Fenoglio, Una questione privata Teresa Viganò, Agnese va a morire Luigi Meneghello, Piccoli maestri Elsa Morante, La storia Alba De Cespedes, Dalla parte di lei Mario Tobino, Il clandestino Alfredo orecchio, ll sospetto
XXI secolo
Benedetta Tobagi, La resistenza delle donne (2023), Silvia Ballestra, La Sibilla. Vita di Joyce Lussu, (2022) Michela Marzano, Stirpe e Vergogna (2023) Davide Orecchio, Storia aperta (2021), Scrittura industriale collettiva, In territorio nemico (2013) Ascanio Celestini, Storia di uno scemo di guerra (2013) Paola Soriga, Dove finisce Roma (2012)
During the lessons, in-depth critical bibliography will be provided, different depending on the student's reading choices, video material, online essays, magazine articles, etc. will be used. Helena Janacek, Le rondini di Montecassino (2010) Filippo Tuena, Tutti i sognatori (1999)