Derived from
Dante's «Purgatory»
The course aims to offer a comprehensive and in-depth reading of Dante's "Purgatorio." Defined by the historian Jacques Le Goff as the "poetic triumph" of the purgatorial realm, the second cantica of the "Commedia" represents the first and most significant artistic elaboration of this afterlife zone, the existence of which had been definitively recognized by the Church only a few years earlier (1274). Special attention will be given to the ways in which the poet constructs an extremely detailed and profoundly coherent space from multiple perspectives (cosmological, theological, penitential). Its various sources will be examined, with special attention to the religious practices and the theological speculation of the time. Furthermore, the course will delve deeply into Dante's reflection on poetry in this cantica: from his encounters with Casella, the troubadour Sordello, and the classical poet Statius; to his investigation of fame and artistic progress in Canto 11, and the pivotal Cantos 24 and 26 where Dante engages with various predecessors, fully defining his own poetics and a tradition of reference.
(reference books)
Texts: - Dante, "Divina Commedia. Purgatorio", a cura di Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi, Milano, Mondadori, 1994 [and further editions] NB: the "Purgatorio" must be read in its entirety.
Critical bibliography (on Moodle): - E. Auerbach, "Sacrae scripturae sermo humilis", in Id., "Studi su Dante", Milano, Feltrinelli, 2002, pp. 167-175 [1941]; - G. Contini, "Dante come personaggio poeta", in Id., "Un’idea di Dante. Saggi danteschi", Torino, Einaudi, 20013, pp. 33-62; - A. Pegoretti, "Dal «lito diserto» al giardino. La costruzione del paesaggio nel «Purgatorio» di Dante", Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2007.
Students not attending lectures will integrate their preparation reading the following essays (on Moodle): - C. Delcorno, "Exemplum e letteratura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento", Bologna, il Mulino, 1989, Introduzione e pp. 195-227; - E. Pasquini, "Il dominio metaforico", in Id., "Dante e le figure del vero. La fabbrica della «Commedia»", Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2001, pp. 179-217 - E. Raimondi, "Rito e storia nel primo canto del «Purgatorio»", in Id., "Metafora e storia. Studi su Dante e Petrarca", Torino: Einaudi, 1977 [1970], pp. 65-94.