Teaching of the Italian language The student will acquire specialized skills in the field of studies on the Italian language and on the dialects spoken in Italy, with reference to their history, phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexicological structures, the evolution of these systems, social uses and structures geolinguistics, the literary language and its formal structures (including metrics), historical and synchronic lexicography and grammar, as well as the problems and methodologies of teaching the Italian language for Italians and for foreigners and the linguistic and IT analysis of texts and corpora.
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20710428 teaching italian language LM in Teaching Italian as a second language (DIL2) LM-39 DE ROBERTO ELISA
The course is structured in two parts. The first part deals with the syntax of contemporary Italian, with particular reference to the complex sentence and its constituent parts. Through the observation of the functioning of the structures of Italian, students will acquire full awareness of syntactic mechanisms, improve their grammatical and linguistic knowledge and identify the most appropriate methodologies for the treatment of the sentence in L1 and L2 teaching. The second part is devoted to formulating language in the teaching of Italian L1 and L2, with particular reference to proverbs, collocations, idiomatic phrases and pragmatic routines. After defining the notion of formulating language and showing its pervasiveness in the language, its various realisations are reviewed and its implications in the teaching of Italian to native and non-native speakers.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
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