Knowledge of the main physical (current water movements, tides and seiches, temperature, heat balance of water bodies, density, transparency, luminosity, salinity, conductivity, hardness) and chemical properties of freshwaters (dissolved oxygen and factors regulating its solubility, carbon dioxide, bicarbonates and carbonates, pH, nutrient cycle and organic matter, BOD, COD, contaminants). Instrumental methodologies for physico-chemical sampling of water. Life in waters. Elements of classification of dominant animal and plant species in freshwater environments, metabolism and life cycles, forms of specific adaptation to lentic and lotic environments, methods of biological sampling and data collection, qualitative-quantitative measures of abundance and biomass, energy transfers and transformations, food chains and networks (primary production, consumers, breakers). Examples of ecological characteristics of lake and river systems. Application aspects relative to biodepuration and biomonitoring of water quality.
(reference books)
1. Bettinetti R., G. Crosa, S. Galassi. 2007. Ecologia delle acque interne. Edizioni CittàStudi.
2. Teaching materials provided during the course