1. General theoretical introduction: main threats to nature and biodiversity. Principles of molecular evolution and how genetics and molecular biology can intervene in the conservation of nature and biodiversity (DNA Barcoding and metabarcoding; Population genetics; Genomics; Transcriptomics). 2. Molecular biology techniques: DNA extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis, Sanger Sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing. 3. Practical activities: DNA extraction from samples provided by the teacher; amplification of one or more molecular markers through PCR; Gel electrophoresis of the amplified products. Cleaning, alignment and analysis of DNA sequences with specific software. Exercises on: DNA Barcoding, Phylogenetic reconstruction, Phylogeography and Population Genetics.
(reference books)
Allendorf et al., 2022. Conservation and the genomics of populations. Oxford university press.
The lecturer will provide additional didactic material.