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20410291 TECNICHE CARTOGRAFICHE E GIS NELLE APPLICAZIONI ECOLOGICHE in Biodiversity and Environmental Protection LM-6 CARBONI MARTA, Giulio Silvia
Theory - Intro to spatial ecology and cartography - GIS: functions, geographical approach and modeling of reality - Types of GIS software: open source and proprietary software - Data models: vectorial (points, lines and polygons) and raster (pixel) - Principles and methods in remote sensing: electromagnetic reflectance, remote sensed image resolution, active and passive sensors, remote sensing platforms - Species distributions and biodiversity mapping
Practicals (software: QGIS and R) - Visualization of geographical objects(features) on a map - Preparation of plant and animal maps - Preparation and analysis of environmental maps (land use/land cover, habitat maps, photosynthetic activity, etc.) in time and in space - Principles and methods of cartographic extraction of bio-environmental features - Introduction to Species Distribution Modeling (SDM)
(reference books)
Materials, PDFs of lecture slides and scripts are made available during the course
Software:, 2022. QGIS Geographic Information System. QGIS Association. R Core Team (2014). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
Office hours by appointment via email: