The first part of the course will address the historical foundation of Psychology as a scientific discipline, the principal theoretical approaches, and the research methods of psychology. The second part will deepen the understanding of cognitive and affective functioning within the framework offered by experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The third part of the course will focus on the application of the theory and procedures of general psychology through laboratory activities.
Main Contents:
1) Historical Introduction and Research Methods: This section will illustrate the historical origins of psychology as a scientific discipline, along with the classic theoretical frameworks used in the study of psychology. It will also present the research methods of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
2) Brain and Behavior: This section will introduce some basic concepts about brain function and discuss how this knowledge has influenced the study of behavior in psychology.
3) Sensation and Perception: This part will present the main theoretical models for studying sensation and perception and provide an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that govern perception across sensory modalities to help us understand our environment.
4) Attention: An introduction to the main theoretical models and the mechanisms involved in the process of selecting information from the environment for subsequent processing.
5) Conditioning and Learning: An introduction to the main theoretical models and a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms that enable learning processes.
6) Memory: An introduction to the main theoretical models, specifically memory systems, and an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms regulating the processing, storage, and retrieval of information.
7) Thinking and Reasoning: An introduction to the main theoretical models and an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that fulfill functions related to concept formation, decision-making, and problem-solving.
8) Language: An introduction to the main theoretical models and an analysis of language functions that facilitate communication and knowledge sharing.
9) Intelligence: An introduction to the main theoretical models and an analysis of the factors that determine intelligence, its components, and the instruments for measuring intelligence.
10) Motivation: An introduction to the main theoretical models and an analysis of the main forms of motivation that guide individual behavior.
11) Emotions: An introduction to the main theoretical models and the mechanisms by which affective systems modulate human behavior.
12) Personality: An introduction to the main theoretical models describing and defining personality.
(reference books)
Required textbooks:
1) Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O. (2020 - Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. UTET 2) D'Amico (2018). Intelligenza emotiva e metaemotiva. Il Mulino
ATTENTION! Students are not required to study some parts of the primary textboox “Psicologia Generale”, di Coon & Mitterer (Edizione a cura di S. Mastandrea e S. Fagioli). Please check in the table below chapters and/or paragraphs that may be skipped:
CAPITOLO 2, Cervello e comportamento Only the following paragraphs are required: All 2.5, including: 2.5.1 Gli emisferi cerebrali 2.5.2 La specializzazione emisferica 2.5.3 I lobi della corteccia cerebrale Study also 2.6.4 Il sistema limbico
CAPITOLO 3, Sensazione e realtà Only the following paragraphs are required: 3.2 La vista 3.3 Percezione dei colori 3.4 Adattamento al buio 3.5 L’udito
CAPITOLO 5, Percepire il mondo All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 5.9 Percezione extrasensoriale e fenomeni paranormali CAPITOLO 6, Stati di coscienza This chapter is NOT required
CAPITOLO 7, Condizionamento e apprendimento All the chapter is required
CAPITOLO 9, Pensiero e immagini mentali All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 9.2. Lo sviluppo cognitivo 9.4.4 Ciclo inferenziale 9.6.3 Sillogismi lineari
CAPITOLO 12 Motivazione All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 12.2.2 Meccanismi cerebrali della fame
Students’ online resources: All relevant information will be available at this webpage. Additional online facilities including other recommended readings, internet websites and other materials are available on the “Formonline” platform.