Italian women writers have been characterised for original, proactive and innovative interlocution with the coeval and antecedent tradition. From the lyric writers of the 16th century to Pellegra Bongiovanni, there have been many ways in which, in the form of poetry, they have variously responded to what the literary tradition proposed as model and canon. In a workshop mode, the course aims to examine different texts by female writers who responded in rhyme to Petrarch and others from the 16th to the 18th century.
(reference books)
Reference bibliography: - Adriana Chemello, Tatiana Crivelli, Marco Dorigatti, Monica Farnetti, Laura Fortini, Maria Antonietta Grignani, Giuliana Ortu, Deanna Shemek, Liriche del Cinquecento, ed. by Monica Farnetti and Laura Fortini, Iacobellieditore, 2014 - Pellegra Bongiovanni, Risposte a nome di Madonna Laura alle Rime di messer Francesco Petrarca in vita della medesima, ed. by Tatiana Crivelli and Roberto Fedi, Antenore 2014 - Giulio Mozzi, Vite parallele e fantastiche di Pellegra Bongiovanni e Teresa Bendettini, Tetra edizioni, 2023
Critical essays and various materials will be available on the Department of Humanities' e-learning platform Moodle: https://studiumanistici.el.uniroma3.it/