Introduction to animal models as a tool for the study of neuropsychiatric diseases a. Importance of animal models in neuropsychiatric research; focus on the phenomenon of anti-animal experimentation associations b. From the preclinical to the clinical field c. Rodents as models (face / construct / predictive validity) d. Utility of rodents in neuropsychiatric research e. Ministerial decrees and regulation on animal testing in Italy
The animal facility
Management of colonies / laboratory animals. a. Animal welfare b. Mating techniques (rats vs mice) c. Explanation of the rodent's estrous cycle. d. Gestation e. Litter birth and management (rats vs mice) f. Sex determination g. Practical part: observation of slices
Techniques for drug administration in rodents a. Systemic (ip / subcutaneous / etc etc) b. Oral c. Intracranial (surgery technique) + focus on morphology and brain areas.
Study of anxiety in laboratory animals (behavioral test explanation + video + test on the recognition of the parameters to be analyzed). Study of the brain reward system in in laboratory animals (explanation of behavioral tests + video + test on the recognition of the parameters to be analyzed) Study of cognitive function in in laboratory animals (explanation of behavioral tests + video + test on the recognition of the parameters to be analyzed) Study of sociality in in laboratory animals (communication and sociality) (explanation of behavioral tests + video + test on the recognition of the parameters to be analyzed + recording of vocalizations)
Preclinical models of psychiatric diseases: example 1 (Autism), example 2 (schizophrenia), example 3 (drug addiction)
(reference books)
Lesson slides and scientific articles
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