The course aims to introduce concepts and arguments that are the basis of the analysis of economic theory, with particular reference to the explanation of commodity relative prices and the functional distribution of income (wages, profits and rents). The course addresses these issues by providing students with a pluralistic and critical view. In fact, the fundamental elements of the two main approaches to value and distribution are presented and compared: the surplus or classical approach and the marginalist or neoclassical theory. The study also includes the different relationships that both approaches establish between prices and levels of production and employment of resources, both at the aggregate level and at the level of individual production units.
21210056 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Group: A - L
Detailed program by chapters. Part 1. Introduction Chapter 1. Thinking as an economist (all) Chapter 2. Supply and Demand (All) Part 2. Consumer theory. Chapter 3. Rational consumer choice (all but par. 3.5) Chapter 4. The utility function (all except par. 4.6.4) Chapter 5. The applications of rational choice and demand: paragraphs 5.4 and 5.4.1 only. Part 3. Business theory and market structure. Chapter 9. Production (all). Appendix to Chapter 9: A.9.1, A.9.2, A.9.2 only Chapter 10. Costs (all except Section 10.7) Chapter 11. Perfect competition (all except 11.11.1, 11.12.1, 11.12.2, 11.12.3, 11.14) Chapter 12. Monopoly (all but paragraph 12.9)
(reference books)
R.H. Frank e E. Cartwright (2021) Microeconomia, VIII edizione. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
Group: M - Z
Elements of the theory of production - inputs, outputs and production methods - the subsistence economy - the economy with a surplus The surplus approach to commodity value and income distribution - the relevance of social and institutional elements to income distribution - the explanation of the real wage rate - the "core" of the classical approach - the link between profit rate and relative prices - the price equations - the classical theory of rent The theory of consumer choice - budget set and budget constraint - preferences - consumer choice - consumer-good demand curves The theory of firm choice - the function of production - profit maximisation - isoquants and isocosts - the output expansion path and long-term cost curves Production factors and the marginalist explanation of income distribution - marginal and average productivity of factors - the demand curves of factors of production - equilibrium between supply and demand for factors of production Market forms - perfect competition - monopoly - Cournot oligopoly - Stackelberg oligopoly Introduction to the welfare economics - allocations and Edgeworth box - Pareto improvements and Pareto optima - first theorem of welfare economics
(reference books)
i) “Elementi di teoria della produzione”, Dispensa n. 1 (materiale didattico redatto da R. Ciccone, S.M. Fratini e A. Trezzini). ii) “La teoria classica della distribuzione e dei prezzi relativi”, Dispensa n. 2 (materiale didattico redatto da R. Ciccone, S.M. Fratini e A. Trezzini). iii) “Teoria marginalista della distribuzione”, Dispensa n. 3 (materiale didattico redatto da S.M. Fratini). iv) Frank Robert H.; Cartwright Edward; Piras R. Microeconomia. McGraw-Hill Libri Italia, Milano. 2021. v) “Glossario ed Esercizi Svolti di Microeconomia” (materiale didattico redatto da S.M. Fratini e D. Pignalosa).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam