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21810355 GENERAL SOCIOLOGY in Policies, cooperation and development L-37 M - Z ANTONELLI FRANCESCO
PART ONE: EPISTEMOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES The origin of the sociology and its epistemological status. The modern science and its scientific paradigms. Verificationism vs Falsificationism. Epistemology, methodology and social theory. Main sociological paradigms. Quantitative and qualitatives methods.
PART TWO: CONCEPTS Culture, institutions and cultural processes - Power, social action and social structures - Social interactions, groups and socialization - Migrations and ethnicity - Gender and sexuality (with references to the sociology of families) - Social stratification and inequlities in the globalization era - Social changes, social movements and globalization -
PART THREE: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Classical Sociology - The main sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflictualism, interactionism. Contemporary social theories: Bauman, Beck, Touraine, Bourdieu.
PART FOUR: IDEOLOGY, SCAPEGOAT AND VICTIMIZATION What is ideology - Main perspectives on ideology - The dynamics of victimization and the scapegoat.
(reference books)
Parts One e Two:
– CROTEAU D.,HOYNES W. (2022), SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE, Third Italian Edition edits by Antonelli F., Rossi E., McGraw Hill, Milano, Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12. - SLIDES BY THE PROFESSOR (On Moodle Platform)
Part Three: - Chapter 2, CROTEAU D.,HOYNES W. (2022), SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE, Third Italian Edition edits by Antonelli F., Rossi E., McGraw Hill, Milano. - A book chosen to study on: Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Functionalism, Conflictualism, Symbolic Interationism: Battistelli F. (2017), Breve storia del pensiero socioloogico, Lithos, Roma. Pendenza M. (2016) Sociologia classica e contemporanea, Torino, UTET. Santambrogio A. (2019), INTRODUZIONE ALLA SOCIOLOGIA, Laterza, Roma-Bari. - On Bauman, Beck, Bourdieu e Touraine: Ghisleni M., Privitera W. (eds.), SOCIOLOGIE CONTEMPORANEE, Utet, Torino.