The course aims to problematize the teaching of cinema and audiovisual disciplines within the broader context of media education, both from a theoretical-methodological and operational perspective. Starting from the redefinition of teaching strategies resulting from the increasingly frequent use of digital technologies in educational settings, the first part of the course will focus on the presence and function of media in pedagogical practice, both as objects of study (media and film language education) and as support for teaching in numerous different disciplines (education through media), with particular attention to audiovisual media. In the second part of the course, media education will be in dialogue with some of the most recent developments in media theory and image theory. Building upon this dialogue, possible strategies for the use of media and images in learning environments will be analyzed. Specific focuses will be dedicated to the following topics: the use of web documentaries, desktop cinema, and social media in learning contexts; the function of virtual museums for teaching art history; digital storytelling as a tool for education; and the development of a literacy project on cinema and audiovisual media in schools.
(reference books)
Exam Bibliograhy:
- Pier Cesare Rivoltella, "Media Education. Idea, metodo, ricerca", ELS La Scuola, Brescia 2017 - Kresimir Purgar, Luca Vargiu (a cura di), "Studiare le immagini. Teorie, concetti, metodi", Carocci, Roma 2023 - Lecture notes edited by the teacher
Recommended Books:
- Pier Cesare Rivoltella, "Che cos'è un EAS. L'idea, il metodo, la didattica", Scholé, Brescia 2021 - Cristina Maurelli, "Video partecipativo. Fare cinema come strumento educativo: il metodo PVCODE", Dino Audino, Roma 2019 - Nicoletta Di Blas, "Storytelling digitale a scuola", Milano 2019