The course aims to introduce students, in a historical perspective, to the most important contemporary phenomena of economic and social integration between the different areas of the world. Particular attention will be given to the development cooperation and regional trade arrangements in Latin America, Mediterranean and Far East. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the research work associated to each theme.
Students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Advanced capability to overall interpret political and economic macro-phenomenon of the main geographical areas analysed. - Advanced capability of benchmarking regarding the themes analysed - Research methodology capabilities. - Written essay and oral exposure (in Italian and in a foreign language chosen).
(reference books)
Course materials to be studied will be signaled during the course; written presentation and oral exposition of a paper are expected to explore a theme of the course. Non-attending students will prepare the exam on texts to be agreed with the lecturer