The program is divided into 3 consecutive modules: General botany: introduction to botany and its potential applications in the workplace, notes on the history of botany and the main Italian botanists, structure and function of the plant cell, difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and between animal, plant and fungal cells, definition of thallophytes and cormiphytes, plant tissues: tegumental, conductive, mechanical and fundamental with description of the characteristics and functions; plant organs: stem, roots, leaves and their modifications, seed, flower, fruit, description of photosynthetic processes and differentiations (C3, C4, CAM), pollination and dispersal mechanisms ~ 4 CFU
Systematic botany: evolution of the plant kingdom, taxonomy and systematic organization of plants: algae, cyanobacteria, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms (monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous) ~ 2 CFU
Botany applied to conservation: study of the reproductive biology of plants, notes on plant ecology and geobotany, notes on conservation of Biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity of agricultural interest ~ 3 CFU
(reference books)
Botanica generale e diversità vegetale Autori: Gabriella Pasqua, Giovanna Abbate, Cinzia Forni Editore: Piccin-Nuova Libraria ISBN-10 8829929794 ISBN-13 978-8829929795