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21210459 Applied Economic Policy Laboratory in Economics LM-56 CAUSI MARCO, PALUMBO ANTONELLA
This program regards both didactic modules (30 hours each, for a total of 60 hours). The approach of the Laboratory is applied and inter-disciplinary. The learning objectives are focused on the development of professional capacities in applied economics and economic policy, with a planning that alternates lectures, practical classes and seminars with external experts. Students will acquire skills in the subsequent fields of applied economics: a) definition and interpretation of the main macroeconomic indicators; analysis of statistical sources and institutional reporting about the Italian and European Union economies. b) territorial and sectoral analysis. c) tools and methods for economic policies and planning, and application to public choices. In each edition there will be a particular monographic in-depth analysis on some of the following topics: the productive structure of the Italian economy and different interpretations of its points of strength and of weakness; European economic governance and national cycle of budget decision; territorial analysis of the Italian economy; services of general economic interest and public utilities: markets and regulation, with specific analysis for public transport, energy production, production and distribution of electric and gas power, water and waste disposal services; banking and insurance industries; industrial policies; etc. An integrant part of the course, that constitutes element for final evaluation, is the drafting, by each student, of a research report (a written report or an exercise in applied economics or other types of monograph study chosen with the agreement of professors). The particular structure of the Laboratory requires the compulsory attendance to seminars and practical classes. Attendance to all lectures is highly advised. The program for students that cannot attend lectures has to be agreed on with the teachers.
(reference books)
The reference material is constituted mainly by reports and data bases of national and international public and research institutions (Istat, Bank of Italy, European Commission, Eurostat, OECD, IMF, etc.) and by reading lists for the thematic seminars. It will be indicated during the classes and made available for students through the Moodle page of the course.