This course aims at providing a critical approach towards the “changing ideals” of contemporary architecture, starting from the opposing forces of the notions of classical and modern during the Age of Enlightenment. Through descriptions of different historical and geographical contexts, a selected series of masterworks from XIX to XX Century will be discussed in terms of form, structure, functions, specifically considering how they have contributed to past and contemporary architectural debate. This path will include the "architecture parlante" by C.-N. Ledoux up to Le Corbusier, the Arts and Craft Movement and the organic approach by Frank Lloyd Wright, from the British 2ndPost-war Neoavant-gardes to the Dutch architecture of diagrams in the 1990's.
(reference books)
P. Burger, Teoria dell’avanguardia, Torino 1990 (1974) W.J.R. Curtis, L’architettura moderna dal 1900, Milano 1999 (1982) E. Kaufmann, Da Ledoux a Le Corbusier: origine e sviluppo dell'architettura autonoma, Milano 1973 (1933) R. Middleton, D. Watkin, Architettura dell’Ottocento, Milano 1977 N. Pevsner, J. Fleming, H. Honour, Dizionario di architettura, Torino 1981 (1966) H. Sedlmayr, Perdita del centro: le arti figurative del diciannovesimo e ventesimo secolo come sintomo e simbolo di un'epoca, Torino 1967 (1947) M. Tafuri, La sfera e il labirinto, Torino 1980