In this course, the impact of technologies and digital media on the worlds of contemporary music will be considered from different theoretical-methodological viewpoints. In the first phase, digital musical culture as concept and the dynamics of its formation will be focused. First of all reconsidering the transition from analogue to digital in the music both from a historical perspective, through a concise overview on the evolution and transformations of the music industry in the twentieth-century and in the first decades of the new millennium. Then, in a critical-analytical perspective, trying to understand and interpret these transformations in their repercussions and implications on the music industry as a system, but also on the relationship between music and communication and between music and society. Subsequently, other aspects related to the action of technologies and particularly of digital technologies on music will be examined, through the theme of mediatized voice.
(reference books)
1. Jacques Hains, Dal rullo di cera al CD, in Enciclopedia della musica, diretta da Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Torino, Einaudi, vol. 1: Il Novecento, pp. 783-819
2. Réal La Rochelle, Il disco e le multinazionali, in Enciclopedia della musica, diretta da Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Torino, Einaudi, vol. 1: Il Novecento, pp. 820-833
3. Gianni Sibilla, Musica e media digitali. Tecnologie, linguaggi e forme sociali dei suoni, dal walkman all’iPod, Milano, Bompiani, 2010 [capitolo 1: Dall’analogico al digitale: le tecnologie e la rimediazione della musica]
4. La voce mediatizzata, a cura Stefano Lombardi Vallauri e Marida Rizzuti, Milano, Mimesis, 2019
Non-attending students will also read: Michael D. Smith – Raul Telang, Streaming, sharing, stealing. I big data e il futuro dell’intrattenimento, Roma, Minimum fax, 2019 [l’intero volume]