This course focuses on the history of music, especially on the history of western art music, from a didactic point of view, considering the following topics: a. teaching the history of music: discussion of perspectives and methods against the background of current paradigms and historiographical horizons of research in the field of historical musicology; b. features and ideas for teaching the history of music at high school level in Italy: ‘teaching of listening’ and construction of intra and interdisciplinary educational paths; c. texts, people, ideas and facts in the history of music: from the sources to the modes of the historiographic ‘narration’. A case study will be examined, taking into account the recent developments in musicological research about it and as it is rendered in the school textbooks.
(reference books)
1. Cristina Cano, Didattica della Storia della Musica, «Musica/Realtà», XV, n. 45, dicembre 1994, pp. 89-115
2. Andrea Chegai, Paolo Russo, La didattica della storia della musica, «Il Saggiatore musicale», XV, 2008, pp. 269-279
3. Giuseppina La Face Bianconi, La didattica dell’ascolto, «Musica e storia», XIV/3, 2006, pp. 511-544
4. Stefano Melis, L’Andante della Sinfonia K 22 di Mozart. Un percorso didattico di analisi auditiva, trascrizione e formazione teorico-musicale, «Musica Docta», 11, 2021, pp. 199-225
5. Christoph Wolff, Mozart sulla soglia della fortuna. Al servizio dell’imperatore, 1788-1791, Torino, EDT, 2013