Review of electromagnetism fundamentals, basic principles and theorems for the analysis of electric and magnetic circuits. Representation of sinusoidal electric quantities, definition of circuit impedance and analysis of single-phase and three-phase circuits; instantaneous power, active power and power factor in single-phase and three-phase circuits. Instruments and methods for measuring current, voltage, active power, power factor and energy in single-phase and three-phase circuits. Basic principle and operating characteristics of power transformers. Theory of the rotating magnetic field; basic structure and operating characteristics of induction and synchronous machines. Components and systems being used in power plants devoted to either generation or transportation or distribution of the electric energy; protection against either overvoltages or overcurrents; sizing of low-voltage secondary-network systems; power-factor correction; protective grounding and safety-related aspects in power distribution systems.
(reference books)
Suggested Textbooks G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 1 - Principi - Società Editrice Esculapio G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella - Elettrotecnica, 2 - Applicazioni - Società Editrice Esculapio F. Iliceto, S. Rosati - Impianti di distribuzione dell'energia elettrica - Edizioni Efesto Additional Documents and Numerical Exercises made available on both Teams and Moodle web pages