Acoustics: Acoustical parameters. Wave equation and speed of sound. Solutions of the wave equation: plane and spherical waves. Acoustical impedance. Psychoacoustics: the ear, normal audiogram. Sound levels. Acoustical analysis (octave bands and one-third octave bands) Weighting curves. Sound level meters. Open-space acoustics. Acoustical barriers. Sound in enclosures. Reverberation time (Sabine formulation and Eyring formulation). Sound-absorbing materials. Transmission of sound through partitions. Mass law.
Lighting design: Radiation of energy. Radiometric and photometric parameters. The eye. Visual performance. Measurement of the photometric parameters. Colorimetry. Light sources: incandescent, discharge and LED lamps. Lighting fixtures. Daylighting. Extended sources (linear, tubular and rectangular sources). The lumen method. The radiosity method.
(reference books)
-A. B. Coppens, L. E. Kinsler, J. V. Sanders, A. R. Frey, Fundamentals of acoustics (4th edition), Ed. Wiley -Gino Moncada Lo Giudice e Silvio Santoboni, Acustica, Ed. CEA -Gino Moncada Lo Giudice e Andrea De Lieto Vollaro, Illuminotecnica, Ed. CEA