Derived from
20410549 CLIMATE CHANGES in Sciences for the protection of nature and environmental sustainability L-32 BACCOLO GIOVANNI
- History of climatology, international organisations, climate change reality and denial
- Fundamentals of the climate system: the earth's radiative budget, feedbacks and forcings, introduction to the climatic importance of the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere
- Climate variability, climate change, the Anthropocene
- The cryosphere: glaciers, permafrost, polar areas, sea ice
-The climate system and its natural and anthropogenic perturbations: Variation in the relative position of the continents, astronomical, greenhouse gases, aerosols, volcanic eruptions, solar activity, land surface variations, meteorite impacts
- Climate variations and sea level
- Palaeoclimate: reconstructing climate change in the past using palaeoclimate archives
- Tipping Points
- Extreme events
- Climate Models
- Shared Socio-Economic Scenarios
- Climate in the 21st century, results from models
- Impacts of Climate Change on the cryosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere.
- Economic costs of climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Technological innovation for a decarbonised society
(reference books)
Pdf and copies of recent specialistic scientific publications given by the teacher, slides used during lessons will be also provided.