Fundamental equations of electromagnetic fields Maxwell equations in time and frequency domains. Constitutive relations in time and frequency domains. Boundary conditions in time and frequency domains. Complex representations. Complex vectors and polarization properties of electromagnetic fields. Fourier transform. Poynting theorem in time and frequency domains. Uniqueness theorems in time and frequency domains.
Plane waves Helmholtz equation. Wave functions. Plane waves in free space. Propagation and polarization features of plane waves. Secondary constants of media. Polychromatic fields. Group velocity.
Electromagnetic field excited by impressed sources Electrodynamic potentials. Deterministic problem. Green's functions. Electromagnetic field excited by impressed currents in free space: formulation of the problem. Green's function for free space Electromagnetic field excited by impressed currents in free space: general solution and its approximations. Short dipole
Plane-wave reflection and transmission Normal incidence. Oblique incidence. Applications to biological media.
Transmission lines Transmission-line (or telegraphers') equations. Solutions of the transmission-line equations. Impedance, admittance and reflection coefficients. Standing-wave ratio. Transmission-line formalism for the study of reflection and transmission of plane waves. Smith diagram and impedance matching with stubs.
Waveguides Structures with cylindrical symmetry. Transmission lines associated with TM, TE and TEM waves. Hollow metallic waveguides. Eigenvalue problems. Modal propagation in hollow metallic waveguides. Rectangular waveguides
(reference books)
F. Frezza - A Primer on Electromagnetic Fields - Ed Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, (1° ed).
Other suggested texts: C. A. Balanis - Advanced engineering electromagnetics - John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989. J. Van Bladel - Electromagnetic Fields - Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washington, 1985.