The course "Designing and evaluating in e-learning and media education" provides the student with the opportunity to reflect systematically and consciously on the educational actions implemented by her/him or by others, in real space and in virtual space. The course offers in the first instance an overview of the basic tools of education in e-learning, addressed to the educator and trainer who wish to design concrete teaching and learning experiences, based on questionnaires, evaluation tests, with the aim of gathering useful elements to assess the quality of the training course both at the level of the class group and at the systemic level, questioning the effectiveness of the tools used. The course aims to develop students' understanding of the key concepts and basic principles of design and assessment in e-learning and media education environments, considering its implications in making informed decisions and reflecting on its quality and ethical and philosophical foundations. Participants will be introduced to the main teaching and assessment designs in e-learning and media education, the construction of objective tests, how to use educational technologies and the main national and international educational surveys.
(reference books)
Mandatory readings: Horton, W. (2012). E-learning by design. John Wiley & Sons. Pfeiffer; 2° ed. (14 dec 2011) EXCEPT CHAPTERS 7, 8, 9, 10 & APPENDIX
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: Bruschi, B., & Perissinotto, A. (2020). Didattica a distanza. Com'è, come potrebbe essere (pp. 1-170). Gius. Laterza & Figli spa. Felini, D., & Trinchero, R. (2015). Progettare la media education. Dall’idea all’azione, nella scuola e nei servizi educativi. Vertecchi, B. (2021). A distanza: insegnare e apprendere. Anicia
Please note that further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Considering the different topics covered in the lessons, the lecturer will provide, as a stimulus and aid to study, handouts, articles, essays and research reports on the course website.