Lecture (7CFU): Hybridization of carbon. Functional groups: structure, nomenclature (IUPAC and use) and chemical-physical properties of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, arenes, halides, alcohols, thiols, ethers, sulphides, amines, aldehydes, ketones, imines, phenols, carboxylic acids, esters, lactones, amides, imides and nitriles. Stereochemistry: isomers and stereoisomers. Inductive and Resonance effects. The main reaction mechanisms: electrophilic addition to alkenes, dienes and alkynes. Polymerizations. Electrophilic aromatic substitution on benzene and heteroatoms present in biological molecules. Addition to carbonyls and nucleophilic substitution of acyls. Enolates and their condensations. Bi- and polyfunctional molecules: hydroxy acids, enonic systems, ketoacids. Physico-chemical properties of amino acids (structures and isoelectric point). Carbohydrates (classification, hemiacetal structures, glucosides, polysaccharides). Nucleophilic substitution (SN1, SN2) and elimination (E1 and E 2) at sp3 carbon. Acetacetic and malonic synthesis. Redox reactions on organic compounds. Radical reactions of hydrocarbons (combustion and radical oxidation) using model reaction (halogenation). Laboratory experiences (2 CFU): Introduction to organic laboratory precedures. Purification tecnique: crystallization, extraction, distillation and chromatography (adsorption, partitioning, ion exchange, affinity); short references on TLC and gas chromatography. Practical experiences in the laboratory: polarimetry, maleic acid/fumaric acid isomerization, separations by extraction, TLC and column chromatography, esterification.
(reference books)
W. H. Brown, B.L. Iverson, E.V. Anslyn, C.S. Foote Organic Chemistry J. Mc Murry Chimica Organica Ed. Piccin pdf notes of lessons are available to students on Moodle