The 6 cfu course, in addition to recapitulating central themes and problems of cultural and social anthropology-the concept of culture, overcoming “race,” relativism/ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, and the analysis of socio-historical processes of contact and the colonial situation-will focus on the critical literature and political anthropology of the processes of globalization. A number of lines of research will then be explored: the first related to the contradictions of the dynamics related to network technologies, new work identities and economic models of success/failure; a second one, on the other hand, dedicated to the epistemological innovations related to the theme of gender in its complex plural declination, in the wake of feminist and queer anthropology.
(reference books)
1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino. 2. A. Appadurai, N. Alexander, 2020, Fallimento, Raffaello Cortina, Milano. 3. M. Fusaschi, G. Rebucini, 2024, Generi. Per un’antropologia femminista e queer (in press)