The aim of the course is to highlight the extent to which women's bodies and corporalities that do not conform to gender norms have always been, as in Latin America, a territory in constant re-conquest. The study of the selected texts is an opportunity to reflect on how some recently published novels have been able to accommodate in the literary space the social, political and cultural instances that in the contemporary horizon deal with the themes of gender violence, dissident identities and sexual expression in the ethnic-social system.
(reference books)
Reyes, Dolores. Cometierra, Sigilo, Buenos Aires, 2020. • Lozano, Brenda. Brujas, Alfaguara, 2020. • Sosa Villada, Camila. Las malas, Tusquets (2019), 2020.
Gli studenti NON FREQUENTANTI devono chiedere un colloquio con la docente almeno 2 mesi prima della data dell'esame. Testo aggiuntivo per gli studenti NON FREQUENTANTI: Mataix, Remedios. “La escritura (casi) invisible. Narradoras hispanoamericanas del siglo XIX”, Anales de Literatura Española, Universidad de Alicante, n. 16, 2003. (pp. 5-47). [on line] https://ale.ua.es/article/view/2003-n16-la-escritura-casi-invisible-narradoras-hispanoamericanas-del-siglo-xix