STAGING AS AN INTERPRETATIVE PRACTICE OF THE DRAMATIC TEXT: CHALLENGES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE AND THE DIDACTICS OF LITERATURE IN THE EFL CLASSROOM. The course aims to provide students with the tools and methodologies for the dramaturgical analysis of theatrical texts from classical and contemporary times, with special focus on the study of current staging practices. The dramatic text will also be analysed from the perspective of its realisation in staging, also through the use and analysis of video materials. Finally, the course aims to deepen practical and theoretical reflections on the didactics of literature, with special focus on the use of theatre in a didactic perspective.
(reference books)
Textos dramáticos Lope de Vega, El perro del hortelano/Il cane dell’ortolano, edizione di Fausta Antonucci e Stefano Arata, Napoli, Liguori Calderón de la Barca, La vida es sueño/La vita è un sogno, edizione di Fausta Antonucci, Venezia, Marsilio José Sanchis Sinisterra, ¡Ay, Carmela!, a cura di Renata Londero e Simone Trecca, Roma, Nova Delphi
The reading and analysis of the texts will be accompanied by the viewing and analysis of recordings of various productions. Análisis de espectáculos (mediante las grabaciones de los montajes, a través del archivo digital https://teatroteca.teatro.es/opac/#index, al que es necesario darse de alta aquí: https://bibliotecacdt.mcu.es/cgi-bin/koha/opac-memberentry.pl): El perro del hortelano: montajes de 2002, 2011, 2016 La vida es sueño: montajes de 1994, 1997, 2008, 2012, 2019 ¡Ay, Carmela!: montajes de 2006, 2013, 2014