LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE In collaboration with the training activities of the urbanism and environmental components of TAP, "Landscape" teaching introduces students to the meaning of the landscape, making explicit its constituent aspects. It provides a framework of instrumental knowledge for open spaces design, including historical, design, visual and environmental disciplines, in close relationship with the architectural design and urban design. The main goal is to transmit the ability to understand and appreciate the complexity of landscape architecture, in the cultural, ethical, aesthetic and ecological terms, through the formation of a receptive and attentive sensitivity to the various habitat components (how to observe and understand) and several project topics (how to intervene and transform).
The teaching takes place through design lessons, making students understand the need for mutual link between architectural design and landscape architecture, which should always converge in a truly integrated project, and how open spaces play as the essential matrix of any urban project.
The first part deals with the syntax of the project, and what are its main compositional rules that, over time, have adjusted and now govern the construction of landscape architecture, with reference to: - The garden, in the two strands of the "perspective space" and "fragmented space"; - The agricultural landscape, with its main defined horizontal and vertical structures; - The city, and the structural role that open spaces play from the 16th century European urban revolution.
The second part is devoted to the understanding of the main elements of landscape architecture: the design and construction of the limit; modeling and writing of the soil; the architecture of the vegetation; water as architecture and as a measure of time.
(reference books)
-Alvarez, D., El jardin de la arquitectura del siglo XX, Editorial Reverte, Barcelona (2008). -Belfiore, E., Il verde e la città. Idee e progetti dal Settecento ad oggi, Gangemi Editore, Roma (2005). -Colafranceschi, D., Landscape+100 words to inhabit it. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcellona (2007). -Corrado, M. e Lambertini, A., Atlante delle nature urbane. Centouno voci per i paesaggi quotidiani, Editrice Compositori, Bologna (2011). -FAP, a cura, Vocabolazionario. 50 voci verbali per il progetto dello spazio pubblico, n.e. 2013. -Moore, C. W., Mitchel, W. J., Turnbull, W., The poetics of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge-London (1988), trad. it. La poetica dei giardini, Muzzio Editore, Padova (1991). -Pandakovic, D., Dal Sasso, A., Saper vedere il paesaggio, Ed. CittàStudi, Novara (2009). -Panzini, F., Progettare la natura – Architettura del paesaggio e dei giardini dalle origini all’epoca contemporanea, Zanichelli, Bologna (2005). -Sereni, E., Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari (2014, 18° edizione). -Zagari, F., Questo è paesaggio – 48 definizioni, Gruppo Mancosu editore, Roma (2006). -Zagari, F., Sul paesaggio. Lettera aperta, Libria, Melfi (2013).