Intangible capital, development and sustainability
The educational objective of the course is to provide to the students the necessary theoretical and methodological tools in order to understand the socio-cultural value of intangible capital in relation with the new approach to sustainable, equitable and inclusive development - in its semantic extension of cultural framework, action program and cohesion model in order to cope with the complexity of contemporary societies. It is necessary starting from the assumption that knowledge and skills, especially when acquired within university education, are at the basis of the "intangible capital”, now recognized as the new wealth of nations. Avoiding to invest in the production of this important "capital" nowadays will produce an effect of marginalization, forcing in the future to search and buy skills and knowledge on the market. It is essential to explain to the students that it is now urgent to build the desired, but never realized idea of the "European Education and Research Area", because further attention to the increases of cultural and scientific skills, will naturally produce positive effects also on financial, monetary and employment growth. Knowledge and understanding: The students must be able to extend their knowledge and understanding respect to the topics related to the intangible capital that will be addressed during the course and which concern in particular the importance, today, of giving a new and strengthened impulse to the knowledge society to allow can come together in the creation of a European area of training and research; developing original ideas in this context, which can also be used in a national and European research context. Applying knowledge and understanding: The students must be able to apply their knowledge, skills, abilities and understanding, to solve problems relating to issues relating to the growth of intangible capital in a context of the European area of education, science and technology. Starting from the idea that this achievement will be possible only if we know how to make the best use of the historical tradition of universities, and the skills, built over the centuries by the men, scientists, researchers and institutions who have operated and operate within these cultural realities and Research. Making judgements: The students must acquire the ability to integrate knowledge and management of complexity in a globalization context focusing today its attention more on financial and economic aspects, neglecting the qualitative and cultural aspects of the individual. Being forced not to produce intangible capital or to use that of others, without increasing internal production, will mean, in the near future, becoming subject to political and social ideas and choices, decided by other countries, by other institutions. This will inevitably lead to a loss of competitiveness, development, growth and therefore employment. Communication skills and Learning skills: They share and deepen the need to work on the creation of intangible capital to lay the foundations for a new humanism; but at the same time that they are able to communicate, in a clear and unambiguous way, their conclusions, knowledge and the underlying rationale, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
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Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Elective activities
The course program will focus on the following topics:
- The origins of the discourse on Intangible Capital: the figure and work of Antonio Ruberti. - The project "Quadrifoglio". - The idea of Europe to be built: the White Paper "Growth, competitiveness, employment". - The Treaty on European Union and the keywords: co-decision, consultation, opinion. - The Europe 2020 Strategy and the subsequent European Strategy for 2030. - The European Area of Knowledge and Research. - The Research Framework Programme. - The concept and the right to European citizenship.
(reference books)
Mandatory manual:
Mario Alì (edited by), "Investire sul capitale immateriale per la crescita, la competitività e l'occupazione Una nuova alleanza tra scuola, università, ricerca e impresa", Editori Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2024.
A second compulsory text chosen from:
- Mario Alì (edited by), "Conoscenza, competenza, creatività, crescita Il capitale immateriale per l'Italia di domani", Editori Laterza, 2021.
- Michele La Rosa (edited by), "Il "modello Olivetti" Passato, presente. E futuro?", FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2022.
- Angelo Del Cimmuto, Fulvio Oscar Benussi (edited by), "Il presente e il futuro della società digitale. Luci e ombre di una inevitabile transizione" in Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0, num. 2, Eurilink University Press, Roma, 2022.
- Fondazione Rocca in collaborazione con TREELLE, "Scuola i numeri da cambiare L'Italia nel confronto internazionale", Fondazione Rocca e TREELLE, 2022.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam