Experts in the various sectors of Geology, accompanied by the teacher in charge, will hold orientation seminars for the world of work on the following topics: 1) Territorial data: legislation, reference systems, acquisition methods and management tools 2) Georesources: planning and technical support for mining activities 3) The activities of the geologist in the design of low enthalpy geothermal plants 4) Geotechnical laboratory tests 5) The Civil Protection code and the main related regulations and the professional figure of the disaster manager 6) The role of the geologist in research 7) Environmental investigations and remediation of contaminated areas - Basic elements 8) The geologist and (or for) cultural heritage 9) Geoethics and global anthropogenic impacts: resources, risks, responsibilities 10) The movement of marine sediments: the role of the geologist in environmental studies 11) Radon and endogenous gases in professional practice 12) National and regional regulations for the exercise of the profession of geologist 13) Seismic microzonation and site effects: the role of the geologist, methods and operational techniques 14) Forensic geology: applications and professional perspectives 15) Volcanic risk 16) The role of the geologist as an expert consultant for health and safety in the workplace 17) Remote sensing as a tool to support the geologist's practice 18) The role of the geologist in railway planning 19) The role of the geologist in the technical structures of public administration 20) Hydrogeological instability: the role of the geologist in protecting the territory for sustainable development 21) Monitoring systems: basic concepts, feasibility and application 22) Geologists hanging by a thread: vertical surveys and monitoring with mountaineering techniques and/or with the use of access and positioning systems using ropes 23) Management of inert waste: the role of the geologist from production, to recovery, to the use of recycled products 24) Geotourism between present and future. A concrete tool for planning, conservation and management of the territory and its natural resources 25) The water framework directive and district management plans 26) Dialogue on the world of mineral resources and depositology: research, industry, economy, energy transition, geopolitics and job prospects
(reference books)
The slides of the seminars that will be distributed by the teacher.