History of mathematics in preschool and primary school: contents and learning path, exercises with children.
(reference books)
Lizasoain Iriso, M.I., Magrone, P., Millan Gasca, A., Arlotti, F., Scaramuzzo, G., Subania, F., et al. (2022). Growing with mathematics. Experiential math workshops for preschool and primary school teachers. A teaching guide for professional development and instruction. Pamplona : Universidad Pública de Navarra. (History of mathematics and its teaching workshop) https://www2.unavarra.es/gesadj/anfomam/todaslassesionesT5_ENG.pdf
GIUSTI Enrico 2019 Awa teaches numbers, Adverbage. VALE Pamela, GRAVEN Mellony et al 2019 Mama Khanyi and the Pots. A mathematical story and activity book, Grahamstown, Rhodes University (illustrazioni di Carment Ford); https://associazionetokalon.com/i-vasi-di-mamma-khanyi/) PETTI Raffaella 2008 Uri il piccolo sumero (illustrazioni di Simone Frasca), Firenze, Il Giardino di Archimede; si veda anche Schmandt-Besserat, Danielle 1999, The history of counting, Morrow Junior Books, New York. FANDEL Jennifer 2006 The metryic system, Creative Education CERASOLI Anna 2013, La geometria del faraone, San Dorligo della Valle Emme Edizioni,; nuova edizione 2019; see also CANTATORE Paola 2016, L'avventura dei geroglifici, Torino, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore/Museo Egizio.