Advertising and Argumentation Strategies The course (6 CFU) aims to investigate the history, theory and practice of advertising through an interdisciplinary approach that brings together linguistics, discourse analysis and the social sciences in order to introduce students to the semiotic density of the advertising text, to its argumentative strategies of persuasion and seduction (illocutionary stage of "faire croire"), to its verb-iconic rhetoric artfully modelled in view of the adhesion of the addressee/consumer (perlocutionary stage of "faire faire"). A small "translation atelier" will accompany the course to begin to introduce students to the specificities of the sectorial language and to introduce them to translation as a linguistic-cultural practice. We will prioritize advertisements in service of the 'ecological transition,' which means advertisements that, in line with the objectives of the French Ministry of Ecological and Energy Transition, aim to influence consumer behavior and lifestyles by raising awareness about environmental responsibility.
(reference books)
- J.M. Adam & M. Bonhomme, L'argumentation publicitaire. Rhétorique de l'éloge et de la persuasion, Armand Colin 2005 (pp. 3-67; pp. 89-107) - R. Barthes, Rhétorique de l'image, "Communications", 4, 1964, pp. 40-51 URL: https://www.persee.fr/doc/comm_0588-8018_1964_num_4_1_1027
The corpora of texts for the 'translation workshop' will initially be provided by the lecturer and then created by the students themselves.