The programme proposes an itinerary consisting of works of poetry, fiction and non-fiction that elaborate on different aspects of the relationship between man and nature, with a specific focus on the 'literarisation' of this relationship between the Renaissance and Romanticism and on the interpretation of the specificities of the Spanish landscape in the literary and non-fiction elaboration between the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century. The programme closes with an essay that addresses the problem of 'España vacía', anticipated by Julio Llamazares' novel (1988). We will thus have the opportunity to reflect not only on a very topical issue (that of the difficult balance between man and nature, between anthropised and non-anthropised spaces), but also on the specific languages of fiction, poetry and the essay.
(reference books)
TEXTS • Garcilaso de la Vega, Poesía, ed. I. García Aguilar, Madrid, Cátedra (only a few poems that will be indicated in class and on the Course Team); • Luis de Góngora, Choice of poetic texts provided by the professor; • G. A. Bécquer, “El rayo verde”, una scelta di Rimas (texts provided by the professor); • B. Pérez Galdós, Doña Perfecta, ed. I. Javier López, Madrid, Cátedra; • Antonio Machado, Campos de Castilla, ed. G. Ribbans, Madrid, Cátedra; • J. Martínez Ruiz “Azorín”, “En el Toboso” (text provided by the professor); • M. Delibes, El camino, ed. M. Sotelo, Madrid, Austral; • J. Llamazares, La lluvia amarilla, ed. M. Tomás-Valiente, Madrid, Cátedra; • S. del Molino, La España vacía, Madrid, Turner (only some parts indicated by the professor). All the editions indicated are compulsory.
CRITICISM, HISTORY OF LITERATURE, METHODOLOGY 1) The introductions to the editions of: G. de la Vega, Poesía; B. Pérez Galdós, Doña Perfecta; A. Machado, Campos de Castilla; J. Llamazares, La lluvia amarilla (vedi alla voce “Testi”). 2) L. Rodríguez Cacho, Manual de historia de la literatura española, capitolo 3 (“El teatro y la poesía en el siglo XIX”, i primi tre paragrafi, pp. 87-127, sul Romanticismo, il dramma storico, la poesia), capitolo 4 (“La prosa romántica”, solo il paragrafo su Bécquer prosista), capitolo 5 (“Galdós y Clarín en el auge de la novela realista”, tutto). 3) F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo, Pisa, ETS, Unità 1, 2, 3. 4) G. Caravaggi, Antonio Machado, Roma, Salerno editrice, pp. ** 5) S. Cattaneo - D. Manera, “Narrativa spagnola contemporanea”, in: D. Manera (dir.), Letteratura spagnola contemporanea, Pearson, pp. 1-173. 6) P. G. Beltrami, Gli strumenti della poesia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 1-87. 7) L. Chines, C. Varotti, Che cos’è un testo letterario, Roma, Carocci.