The legal sources of the criminal procedural regulations for entities - The substantive prerequisites for the criminal liability of companies - Constitutional and supranational framework of the matter and interpretative problems of compatibility between the procedural guarantees granted to the accused individual and the position of the entity on trial - The representation and defence of the entity in the 231 trial - Virtuous organisational models and protocols of behaviour - Autonomy and interference between proceedings against the company and proceedings against the individual - Corporate liability and civil law claims - Preliminary investigations - Application of precautionary disqualification and real measures - Preliminary hearing and alternative rites - The trial phase - The system of evidence and investigation of offences dependent on crime - The system of appeals - Enforcement phase.
(reference books)
The reference Volume to study is: M. Ceresa-Gastaldo, Procedura penale delle società, Giappichelli, Turin, last edition.
For the students attending the classes, the examination programme will mainly focus on the notes taken during the lessons.