The course will address the more general issues concerning administrative activity and administrative organization with a look at new trends in the field, both in the context of European law and with regard to the use of new technologies. A part of the course will be dedicated to a topic of specific interest for the Degree Course, namely the legal protection of animals. More specifically, the following topics will be addressed:
- Public administration and its law; - the principles of administrative law; - the administrative organization; - administrative activity in general; - subjective juridical situations; - the administrative procedure; - the administrative act; - administrative transparency; - the simplification of the administrative procedure; - the legal protection of animals between national and European law.
(reference books)
In relation to administrative law the texts (for both attending and not attendiing students) are:
1. M. D’alberti, Lezioni di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, last available edition, except the Chapters dedicated to: personale delle pubbliche amministrazioni, beni pubblici, moduli consensuali; responsabilità della pubblica amministrazione; disfunzioni). 2. M. A. Sandulli, Introduzione. La complessità delle fonti, le tendenze del sistema e il ruolo dei principi nel diritto ammnistrativo, in Principi e regole dell’azione amministrativa, a cura di M.A. Sandulli, Milano, 2023 .
In relation to the legal protection of animals, the texts (for both attending and not attendiing students) are the articles:
M Lottini, Il benessere degli animali e il diritto dell’Unione Europea,
M.Lottini, La tutela degli animali d’affezione tra diritto italiano ed europeo
M. Lottini, La tutela degli animali in Costituzione: riflessioni e prospettive,
M. Lottini, Gli animali selvatici e la loro tutela tra novità normative e antichi problemi
M. Lottini, Gli animali nei circhi: vecchie questioni e prospettive future
M. Lottini, Nuoto in vasca con i delfini nella recente giurisprudenza del giudice amministrativo
T. Formichelli, diritti degli animali: uguaglianza intraspecifica ed uguaglianza interspecifica
The articles and the handout are made available on-line (moodle-e-learning). In case of problems in finding materials, please send an e-mail to Professor Lottini at her institutional address. Other materials for attending students could be made available to foster their knowledge on specific issues during the lectures.