The criminal trial: comparative models and constitutional principles - Criminal procedural law in space and time. The procedural subjects: the judge; the public prosecutor; the person under investigation; the defendant; the civil party; the injured party; the civil responsible person; the person civilly liable for the pecuniary penalty - The relations between criminal and civil proceedings. The criminal procedural act - The types of invalidity: non-existence; nullity; unusability; inadmissibility. Preliminary investigations. Precautionary measures. Precautionary measures. Defensive investigations. Preliminary hearing. Special proceedings: summary judgement; application of the penalty at the request of the parties; proceedings by decree; summary judgement; immediate judgement; suspension of the trial with trial. General principles of the trial. Pre-trial proceedings; the right to trial. The trial phase; the evidentiary procedure; the individual means of evidence; the post-trial phase. The procedure before the monocratic court. Proceedings before the Justice of the Peace. Proceedings concerning administrative offences. General principles on appeals: individual ordinary and extraordinary means of appeal. Criminal judgments. Enforcement and supervision. Jurisdictional relations with foreign authorities.
Reductions in the programme are foreseen for students attending the course and will be agreed with the professor during the course of the lessons.
(reference books)
G. Lozzi, Lineamenti di procedura penale, Giappichelli, last edition. H. Belluta, M. Gialuz, L. Lupária (eds.), Codice sistematico di procedura penale, Giappichelli, last edition.