I. ENFORCED EXECUTION - 1. Enforced execution in general. -- 2. Enforced expropriation. - 3. Foreclosure. - 4. Forced sale and assignment. - 5. Intervention of creditors. - 6. Distribution of proceeds. - 7. Particular forms of expropriation. - 8. Execution in specific form. - 9. Indirect coercive measures. - 10. Cognition Incidents and executive oppositions. ¬ 11. Suspension and extinction of the enforcement process.
II. SUMMARY NON-INJUNCTIVE JUDICIAL PROTECTION - 1. Injunction proceedings. - 2. European order for payment procedure. - 3. Proceedings for validation of license or eviction. - 4. Proceedings for repression of anti-union conduct. - 5. Summary proceedings under art. 38 of the Gender Equality Code. - 6. Proceedings for fair compensation for the unreasonable duration of process. - 7. Proceedings for recognition of acquisition by adverse possession of small rural property.
III PROTECTIVE MEASURES. - 1. Seizures. 2. Complaints of new construction and feared damage. - 3. Extravagant protective measures. - 4. Urgent measures. - 5. Uniform precautionary proceeding. - 6. Preliminary evidence proceedings. - 7. Possession proceedings. - 8. Chamber proceedings.
IV. ARBITRATION AND JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF RIGHTS. - 1. Arbitration agreement. - 2. Arbitrators. - 3. Arbitration proceedings. - 4. Arbitration with multiple parties. - 5. Arbitrator’s measures. - 6. Appeals against the arbitral award. - 7. Non-ritual arbitration. - 8. Administered, special, foreign and international arbitrations. - Recognition and enforcement of foreign awards, judgments and measures.
(reference books)
G. RUFFINI (a cura di), Diritto processuale civile, Il Mulino, Bologna 2024, volume III.
The consultation of an updated edition of the code of civil procedure including special legislation is essential.