Laboratory Activities Channel 3.
The Workshop includes the presentation by the students of a didactic literature course for pre-primary and primary school starting from one or more poems by Franco Fortini or one or more poems by one of the following 20th century Italian poets in Fortini's anthology on the programme: Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Sereni, Pasolini, Zanzotto. The focus of the course is on the individual poems, through reading aloud and didactic commentary, with all the necessary linguistic, stylistic, literary, historical, political, geographical, philosophical, educational, religious, artistic, etc. expansions that are deemed appropriate. What counts is not the quantity of poems analysed but the quality, depth and richness of the analysis and, I repeat, the ability to put the individual texts first in the teaching proposal. During the workshop meetings, the students will present their work through the reading aloud of some poems and with concrete examples of short didactic paths taken from the indicated authors (maximum 10 minutes). General premises on didactics, methodologies, poetry and so on will be avoided. The work presented in the classroom will then be sent to the teacher in written and complete form for the final assessment of suitability for the workshop. To start familiarising yourself with readings aloud and to compare different interpretations, we recommend listening to the 'voice' of different poets that you can find on the Internet.
(reference books)
See Programma dell'insegnamento