Activities: Legal Clinic on Crime Victims
The Legal Clinic Victims of Crime offers students the opportunity to carry out a qualified activity directed at developing analytical skills and in-depth skills from a theoretical and practical point of view in order to deal with real cases in which there is a risk of discrimination or a case of vulnerability, fragility or social marginalization of an individual must be dealt with. The objective of the Legal Clinic is to delve into the macro theme of victim protection in order to convey the basics and aspects that characterize, from this specific angle, the criminal process. Therefore, the different phases of the criminal process (delving in particular into the preliminary investigation phase in which the victim's contribution to the criminal proceedings is most incisive) and the different procedural institutes that specifically concern the figure of the victim such as, for example, the particular modalities of the evidentiary incident and the taking of testimony with respect to particularly vulnerable individuals will be covered for the subsequent treatment of practical cases.