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22910309 Antropologia della globalizzazione in Pedagogy, Adults' Education and Long-Life Learning LM-85 PINELLI BARBARA
For a long time, globalization was considered a hyperbole of connections between geographical and cultural spaces, emphasizing a possible erosion of social and spatial boundaries. Nevertheless, since the 1990s, the so-called global processes have exacerbated differences, reinforcing border areas, strengthening borders, and social belongings. Putting at the core these anthropological issues, the course a) offers concepts and methods of social and cultural anthropology b) develops basic knowledge and analytical tools which c) will help build a critical gaze on contemporary conditions of vulnerability and discrimination. On this background, the course's second part analyzes the ways in which globalization processes affect the production of racial, gender, cultural, and class discriminations, as well as their intersections. This perspective on the intersectionality of oppression allows to explore the construction of the social hierarchies on differences, political vulnerability, and forms of resistance. The ethnographic method and ethnographic examples will encourage a participatory method to understand the ‘otherness’, becoming a helpful means to develop a comparative and non-ethnocentric perspective, together with micro-macro levels of analysis.
(reference books)
1) Palumbo Berardino, Pizza Giovanni, Schirripa Pino (2023). Antropologia culturale e sociale. Concetti, storia, prospettive. Hoepli. Parte Prima. L’antropologia e i suoi campi (pp. 1-38). Parte Seconda. Panoramica storica degli studi di antropologia culturale e sociale (pp. 39-114). Parte terza. Parole chiave per un’antropologia contemporanea. Corpo (pp. 134-149); Femminismo e antropologia (pp.165-177); Genere (pp. 178-188); Mobilità (pp. 256-270); Resistenze (pp. 271-285)
2) A text of your choice (the books can be read in their original version - where available):
Bourgois, Philippe e Schonberg, Jeff (2011). Reietti e fuorilegge. Antropologia della violenza nella metropoli americana. DeriveApprodi, Roma. Fusaschi, Michela. (2011). Quando il corpo è delle altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo-spettacolo. Bollati Boringhieri. Holmes, Seth M., (2023). Frutta fresca, corpi spezzati. Braccianti migranti negli Stati Uniti d’America. Meltemi. Khosravi, Shahram (2019). Io sono confine. Eléuthera.
3) Reference articles and suggested lecture notes (will be indicated and uploaded by the teacher)