In order to gain a deeper understanding of the main social issues and psychological perspectives on aging, the course focuses on a biopsychosocial approach to understanding how the human body and brain age, how biological changes affect physical and cognitive function, and how these factors interact with societal contexts. This program includes a part that analyzes and discusses recent literature regarding the impact of psycho-physical well-being and quality of life on this phase of life cycle, emphasizing the different ways in which education and training professionals can face the challenges of promoting active longevity and successful aging due to the demographic changes that will occur in the next few decades.
(reference books)
Psicologia dell'invecchiamento e qualità della vita. Salute, fragilità, demenze. Francesca Morganti (Autore) - Carocci, 2022
Students will be provided with some scientific articles related to topics covered in class as complementary educational material in electronic format.